Virtual Mortgage Seminar: The Power of the Right Offer Banner

Virtual Mortgage Seminar: The Power of the Right Offer

Thursday, October 16, 2025

12:00 PM - 12:30 PM

Making the right offer on a home is essential in today’s competitive market and can make all the difference in securing your dream home. Understanding how a market-driven price and flexible terms can strengthen your position is key to standing out as a buyer. Hosted by Michigan First Mortgage, this half-hour seminar will help you gain insight into factors such as market driven price, and the importance of finding the right realtor to suit your unique needs. Join our panel of industry experts as they provide valuable insights to guide you through your mortgage journey and answer your questions.

Discussion Points:

  • Market driven price
  • Flexibility in terms, down payment, contingencies
  • Importance of a pre-approval
  • Finding the right realtor

Michigan First Mortgage is a division of Michigan First Credit Union. Equal Housing Lender. Company NMLS# 4943687


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